Steve Rose in his office at the Sandy Springs Police Department.
Steve Rose in his office at the Sandy Springs Police Department.

This is an excerpt from Capt. Steve Rose’s “Weekly Wrap” column.

During a July 28 burglary call on Hammond Drive, a man found in the home ran from the residence and police officers chased him. K-9 Unit dogs were called out.

During that time an officer, accompanied by a K-9 officer and dog, was in the wooded area, following the trail of the suspect. The officer accidentally stepped on a yellow jacket’s nest, causing bees to swarm and spray him with that hormone stuff, which is a call to the yellow jacket calvary that then attacked the officer.

The K-9 officer and dog, standing inches away, were left alone, apparently unsprayed.
Now to make matters worse, the poor officer, who was now flailing away due to yellow jackets having found a way under his vest and pants, stepped in front of the K-9. The dog, seeing the officer flailing away in front of him, interpreted that as an attempt to attack his handler and so the dog did what they’re trained to do, and commenced to “whuppin’” of that officer by way of grabbing his arm.
Well, once the handler reeled the K-9 back in, the officer had a bite or two, in addition to a number of stings (fortunately, he was not allergic.) He was treated and released from Northside Hospital.