The Lake Forrest Dam situation is the ultimate example of, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” (“Answers on Lake Forrest Dam’s condition at least six months away,” Aug. 5-18.)

This lovely lake sat for decades, beautiful and harmless. Even during the 500-year flood we experienced in September 2009, this lake was never out of its normal banks. These facts have been ignored completely by the state of Georgia, which in its bureaucratic mindlessness, has classified this lake as a threat to public safety and stirred local residents into a Chicken Little frenzy about catastrophic flooding from this small, innocent lake.

Now the city of Sandy Springs is having to pay millions of dollars of tax money to an engineering firm that will no doubt determine that millions more need to be spent. All of this money could go to worthwhile projects like sidewalks, parks, police, etc., instead of being completely and utterly wasted on a problem that does not exist. Meanwhile, the once-beautiful lake has become an eyesore that will only get uglier. As a famous general said during World War II, “It’s enough to discourage Christ.”

– Penelope Malone

One reply on “Letter: Lake Forrest Dam repairs a waste of money”

  1. It should come as no surprise to discover that not only does Ms. Malone not have a background in engineering but she doesn’t know anything about dams or flooding either.

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