Sandy Springs is backing a countywide effort to get some type of mass-transit funding on the November 2018 ballot.

The effort is a spin-off of last year’s successful countywide transportation special local option sales tax question that will fund road and trail projects. Fulton mayors at the time could not agree to also seek a MARTA sales tax increase, but talks have continued, as Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul explained at the Dec. 20 City Council meeting.

The mayors and county leaders are discussing possible consensus on mass transit projects to fund throughout the county — possibly MARTA, possible other forms of transit run by other agencies. Those are “thorny” issues, Paul said.

But in the meantime, they are backing an effort to get the state Legislature’s permission to put some type of transit-related sales tax on the 2018 ballot. That provides a deadline to see if consensus can be reached in the next year, Paul said. The Sandy Springs council approved a resolution supporting the ballot question request.

John Ruch is an Atlanta-based journalist. Previously, he was Managing Editor of Reporter Newspapers.

One reply on “Sandy Springs joins effort for transit tax ballot question”

  1. Sandy Springs Reporter, what are the total tax breaks given to corporate relocation to Sandy Springs? Honestly, what is the number?

    Now, what is the total amount tax payers not those corporations are now paying in special TSPOST and other Taxes/Fees to fund the needs of roads and public transport to get thru the over built congested mess.

    Next subtract out the total tax break to corporations, Tsplost and fees to tax payers and establish the true cost of what all this rapid growth has cost the residents.

    Mr. Paul, many of us wondering where is the leadership? Who is working on behalf of the citizen taxpayer? Why are you in public service when standing with the average citizen isn’t as important as a corporate ribbon cutting, nor as important as attending meeting you pawn off on an unskilled Private Company employee who cant’t manage the City Springs Center and bidding out jobs to meet the standard set by our City by laws.

    Good luck with getting public transport, road widening and new roads that matter into a totally built city. Who’ house has to go, which community gives way to a new road….

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