Jon Ossoff

Occupation: Owner and CEO of Insight TWI: The World Investigates.

Previous experience holding elected offices: None

Jon Ossoff.

Other community service experience: I helped establish and grow NewPowerPAC, which works to empower, endorse and elect qualified women to public office in Georgia.

Why should the voters choose you for this position?

I worked as a staffer on Capitol Hill for five years, specializing in national security and defense policy. I went on to earn a master’s in economic policy, and now I run a small business that specializes in anti-corruption and organized crime investigations. My experience is especially important for Georgia right now because Washington is more divided than ever. People are concerned about the level of corruption and lack of transparency, and my investigative experience will help me effectively provide a check to the executive branch’s actions.

What is the biggest issue facing the district and how will you address it?

It’s critical to support job growth and economic development, and I will use my economic experience to help craft a smart and effective economic policy. I want families to be able to support themselves, and for small businesses to thrive.  Families should be able to provide their children with a quality education, and I will fight for every child’s right to reach their full potential.  I will also work to improve congestion on roadways district-wide, so residents can quickly and safely reach their destinations.

Tom Price, the former 6th District congressman, was a strong critic of the Affordable Care Act and is now in the Trump administration working to replace it. What is your position on the ACA and will you work with or against Price to replace it?

We need to fix Obamacare where it’s not working and keep those essential consumer protections that do work. We need to ensure young people can stay on the family plan until they are 26, that there’s no price discrimination against women or people with pre-existing conditions–and we can’t throw 30 million people off their healthcare without a replacement. At the same time, there are businesses and individuals who have difficulty time keeping up with skyrocketing premiums and we need to work together to fix it.

John Ruch is an Atlanta-based journalist. Previously, he was Managing Editor of Reporter Newspapers.