Safe-cracking is the unusual hobby of five Weber School students, who won fifth place on March 29 in an international science competition where they matched wits with other students.

From left, Weber School Safe-Cracking Club members Justin Cobb, Levi Durham, Ross Williams, Eric Lieberman and Becky Arbiv with their confounding device. (Special)

The safes in question aren’t the steel-and-combination-lock variety. They’re physics experiments where students build devices with clever locking mechanisms, such as lasers, that they challenge others to unlock with only a few hints.

The Safe-Cracking Club at the Sandy Springs private Jewish school includes members Becky Arbiv, Justin Cobb, Levi Durham, Eric Lieberman and Ross Williams. The team was among many, including the Atlanta Jewish Academy in Sandy Springs, invited to join an annual safe-cracking competition at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. The Weber club was the top U.S. finisher.

“Our team is ‘Coca-Cola’ since we’re from Atlanta,” said Spencer Roby, a math teacher who serves as the Weber club’s faculty sponsor.

Likewise, he said, the treasure locked in their safe is Coke’s fabled secret formula. Spoiler: It’s actually just a document reading, “Love.”

John Ruch is an Atlanta-based journalist. Previously, he was Managing Editor of Reporter Newspapers.