The Atlanta Preservation Center will give tours of several historic Buckhead sites as part its annual program, The Phoenix Flies: A Celebration of Atlanta’s Historic Sites.

The month-long festival is hosted each year by the organization and includes 200 events that highlight cultural and historical sites throughout Atlanta. All events are free, open to the public and include guided walking tours, lectures and open houses, according to a press release.

This year, the event will be held from March 3 to 25, but reservations for some events opened Feb. 8 for Atlanta Preservation Center members and will open Feb. 23 for the general public.

Buckhead events include tours of the Governor’s Mansion, the Cathedral of St. Philip and the Swan Coach House, which once served as the garage for the Swan House and is now a restaurant and art gallery. The Buckhead Heritage Society will offer a tour of Harmony Grove Cemetery, which was restored by the society.

A walking tour revisiting sites of the Battle of Peachtree Creek will include visits to the Old Mt. Zion Church, the Embry Plantation, Howell’s Mill, the Peachtree Creek ravine, Tanyard Creek Park, the Bitsy Grant Tennis Center, Collier Mill artifacts, Loring’s Hill and will end at Tanyard Creek Park.

The Swan House at the Atlanta History Center. (File)

The Atlanta History Center’s senior military historian and curator Gordon Jones will lead a discussion on the “Battle of Atlanta” cyclorama painting, which is undergoing a major renovation. The Buckhead museum will offer several other events, including tours of the Swan House, the Cherokee Garden Library and the Kenan Research Center.

According to the press release, this year’s event will highlight work by Atlanta’s iconic architects Neel Reid and Philip Schutze, including the Goodrum House and the Andrew Calhoun Estate, which are both in Buckhead.

Priority reservations for Atlanta Preservation Center members began Feb. 8 and continue through Feb. 22. Atlanta Preservation Center members also will receive priority on reservation waiting lists. Reservations for the general public will open on Feb. 23. To see all the event listings and read more about the sites, click here. For more information, call 404-688-3353 or visit