Amy Kremer

Occupation: Political activist

Previous experience holding elected offices: None

Amy Kremer.

Other community service experience: Co-founder, Tea Party Patriots; chairman, Tea Party Express

Why should the voters choose you for this position?

Over the last nine years I have carried the values of the 6th District with me as I worked tirelessly to preserve freedom and liberty through electing conservatives like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and many others. I have been fighting for conservative issues and candidates across the country and I am now ready to fight directly for the 6th District.

What is the biggest issue facing the district and how will you address it?

Jobs and the economy: We need to cut government regulations that stifle job growth; cut government waste; create a pro-growth environment to stimulate the economy; and lower both corporate and individual taxes to allow the American economic machine to flourish.

Tom Price, the former 6th District congressman, was a strong critic of the Affordable Care Act and is now in the Trump administration working to replace it. What is your position on the ACA and will you work with or against Price to replace it?

I worked alongside Congressman Tom Price to stop Obamacare and put healthcare back into the hands of the patients and doctors. The law needs to be replaced with a free-market, patient-centric system that will bring both premiums and deductibles down.

John Ruch is an Atlanta-based journalist. Previously, he was Managing Editor of Reporter Newspapers.