Dunwoody Mayor Denis Shortal cast the lone “no” vote to move up public comment earlier on City Council agendas. Councilmember John Heneghan requested the council approve the measure doing so at the Feb. 25 meeting because during a couple of recent meetings residents had to wait for about an hour of presentations and reports before they could speak.

“I don’t see folks leaving” because they have to wait to speak, Shortal told Heneghan. “I don’t think this is necessary at all.” Shortal also said it was important for residents to see presentations such as the recent audit report.

The first public comment period is typically listed as the fifth agenda item, following the call to order, invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and reports and presentations. Heneghan asked and the council approved moving public comment to the fourth item, before the reports and presentations that can sometimes be lengthy.

The final vote was 6-1. Shortal made a point to tell City Clerk Sharon Lowery to be sure she recorded his vote as a “no” vote.

Dyana Bagby is a staff writer for Rough Draft Atlanta, Reporter Newspapers, and Atlanta Intown.