Heritage Sandy Springs, a history and culture nonprofit, has announced a journal project and is asking for submissions from the community to document people’s experience with the coronavirus pandemic.

“In these unprecedented times, it’s important to consider how history will remember the COVID-19 Health Crisis and take steps to recognize and remember the ways in which our community has been affected,” the nonprofit said in a press release. “Because of this, Heritage Sandy Springs is asking the Sandy Springs community to contribute to our new community journal.”

Fill out the community journal submission form here to share stories, life updates, or reflect on emotions. There are no guidelines for submission and anyone from any place or age is welcome to submit, the release said.

Heritage is asking people to document their individual experiences and to donate their images and media to the museum collection. 

“Photograph your children doing schoolwork at the kitchen table or video your partner playing games with friends online,” the release said. “Use this time to journal, make art, film and photograph your life.” 

Heritage also asks the community to share their experience with the organization on social media, either on the Facebook page, Instagram page or Twitter page.

 For more information, email Allison Moore at curator@heritagesandysprings.org.

Hannah Greco is writer and media communications specialist based in Atlanta.