The cities of Atlanta and Sandy Springs together saw 118 new COVID-19 diagnoses in a May 6 update report from the Fulton County Board of Health.

As of May 6, the part of Atlanta within Fulton County had 1,503 COVID-19 diagnoses, up from 1,398 on May 4. Sandy Springs had 268 diagnoses, up from 255.

A chart of COVID-19 diagnoses by city in Fulton County as shown in a May 6 Board of Health report.

The statistics, which are based on patients’ home addresses, are not completely accurate due to such factors as a large number of patients whose cities or ZIP codes are unknown. It remains unclear whether the rise reflects an increase in the coronavirus’s spread, an increase in testing, or both.

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 diagnoses in the county as of May 6 was 3,279, according to the report. Atlanta remains the number one city in the county for COVID-19 diagnoses at 45.8% of the total, and Sandy Springs remains in third place with 8.2% of the total.

The number of diagnosed cases in each main ZIP code in Buckhead and Sandy Springs also increased between the May 4 and May 6 reports. They include:

Buckhead ZIP codes

30305: 68 (up from 56)

30326: 21 (up from 20)

Sandy Springs ZIP codes

30328: 72 (up from 68)

30350: 63 (up from 59)

Buckhead and Sandy Springs combined ZIP codes

30327: 77 (up from 72)

30342: 143 (up from 140)

Again, those numbers may not be accurate, because the ZIP codes are unknown for 258 of the county’s cases.

According to the report, of the confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county, 18% saw the patient hospitalized and 4% were fatal.

To view the reports, see the county website here.

John Ruch is an Atlanta-based journalist. Previously, he was Managing Editor of Reporter Newspapers.