The city of Sandy Springs reopened some park facilities and some appointment-only City Hall services today, June 1.

City tennis courts, Hammond Park gymnastics programming and the Morgan Falls dog park reopened. Playgrounds remain closed.

At City Hall at 1 Galambos Way, the revenue and permitting offices reopened by appointment only. To make an appointment, see

City Hall visitors will be required to have their temperature checked; answer questions about COVID-19 risks and symptoms; and maintain 6-foot social distancing. Mask-wearing is “strongly encouraged,” as is use of hand-sanitizer stations throughout the building.

The city is in a phased reopening from pandemic shutdowns. The next phase is scheduled to include a reopening of in-person hearings at Municipal Court on June 15 and of in-person City Council meetings on June 16. For more information, see

John Ruch is an Atlanta-based journalist. Previously, he was Managing Editor of Reporter Newspapers.